Friday, January 20, 2012

{ Break it down now }

Dancin' Jeru Style!

that awkward moment when you wish you had your shirt tucked in...
oh well! this picture is still epic - thanks Sarah!

I love to dance.
I love to back-flip.
I love to take chances.
I love to try new things.
Hence, this picture!

Today we had a service activity in the parking garage of the Jeru Center . SO .  FUN .
We were putting together school kits for children attending a nearby preschool .
All the while my good friend Wesley was playing DJ , and my oh my he did a FANTASTIC job .
We had multiple dance breaks throughout the activity, and by the end we were just dancin' up a storm ! This is how we do in Jeru

1 comment:

  1. nice B! Good thing you are a skinny little chica! If it was me.....well, lets just say that picture would be burned!!! :) Love you!
